Baumard, N., André, J.B. et Sperber, D. (2013) “A mutualistic theory of morality”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Target article, 36 (1). (IF: 17)
Baumard, N., Hyafil, A. Morris, I., and Boyer, P., (2015) “Explaining the Axial Age: How Energy Capture Favored Ascetic Wisdoms and Moralizing Religions”, Current Biology (IF: 9,2)
Baumard, N. (2019) “Psychological Origins of the Industrial Revolution”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Target article, 1-47. (IF: 17)
Safra, L., Chevallier, C., Grèzes, J., Baumard, N. (2020) “Tracking the rise of trust in history using machine learning and paintings”, (IF: 12)
Martins, M. & Baumard, N. (under review at PNAS) “The rise of prosociality in fiction preceded democratic revolutions in Early Modern Europe Plays” (IF: 10)